I've been a little behind on the blog in this new year. But I think I have a pretty good excuse, I just got married! That's right, I am officially Taylor Bowling #TaylorGoesBowling. I'm still riding high on that newlywed bliss! It feels so good to finally be married to my husband!

After having to postpone our wedding a second time, due to the pandemic, we decided to get married finally and have our big wedding later this summer with family and friends, when it's safer. The full story (and more photos) of our elopement is featured here on Southern Bride Magazine.

While we may have had to postpone our wedding several times, we didn't have to postpone our marriage anymore. Our day was so special and something I will never forget. I definitely got all I wanted for Christmas!
Mrs. Taylor Bowling
See the full article on Southern Bride Magazine.