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12 Gender Neutral Nursery Pieces

12 Gender Neutral Nursery Pieces

A Coastal Living Room Transformation

I love a good room transformation. Seeing a room "before" and revealing the "after" is so satisfying. Today, I'm sharing with you a transformation of my client's beautiful coastal living room here in Charleston, SC.

When I met my clients, their room suffered from two things:

1. Furniture that was too small for the room

2. A lack of layers and textures to warm it up

My clients were a dream to work with, and really trusted me to add to the room. Through the design process, they saw how by adding more things to the room, it actually made it feel bigger, not smaller. We also utilized all the space in the room by filling in dead space that was previously wasted.

We went from this:

To all of this:

Even as a Designer, the power of design always amazes me. How it can truly transform any room and create such a good energy that you feel when you walk in.

My advice is to not be scared to add more to your room. You'll be amazed at how much bigger it will actually feel. And be sure to play around. Add layers and textures to your space. It will really warm it up and create that special feeling you'll love.

Shop this room below:

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